Monday, October 31, 2011

America F*ck Yeah

Foundation finally released their new full length vid on the weekend and it's sure to satisfy all those mourning the loss of the summer and subsequently another skate season. Adding to the beauty of the video is it's price (free) and it's availability (online) which make it easily obtainable from the second of it's release. Foundation generally puts quality vids, complete with amazing skating, good editing and interesting and unique music. F*ck Yeah is no exception and the combination of the team's established pros (Duffell, Fellers, Rivera, Murphy), the new additions (Dakota Servold, Ryan Spencer, Taylor Smith) and the much talked about New Jersey Attention lacking gnarbuckler Nick Merlino all come together to create an extremely watchable, entertaining and inspiring late season release.

The video is perfectly timed, coming in at just over 20 mins. I, like many other skate enthusiasts despise the drawn out, over dramaticized nature of many modern skate videos. F*ck Yeah definitely avoids this category. It begins with a brief intro before diving right into the mind blowing first part delivered by Lunatic Fringe alumni Dakota Servold. The video moves from part to part at an alarming rate, going from banger to banger before I even realized what was really going on. Not that this is a bad thing though, I could probably watch F*ck Yeah three times in the same amount of time it would take to watch Mindfield, and in my opinion this is not a bad thing.

All in all the video rips. Every part is amazing but the standout came at the hands of Spencer, Servold, Fellers and Preston. Cory Duffel (who I have in the past not been a huge fan of, undeniably amazing skating aside) comes through in spades in this videos with one of the best parts I've seen this year. His new, less flamboyant style in addition to the amazing INXS track coupled with incredible skating come together to create a video part that is so re watchable I have already consumed it more then ten times since it's release less then 3 days ago. The video concludes on the note of Nick Merlino, who is amazing at skateboarding there is no denying that. He jumps down huge things and does crazy tricks on rails, but other than that...not much else to say about the part.

Should you take the time to watch the new Foundation vid? F*ck Yeah you should

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