Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Virginia and Slims

In the wake of his new found pro status on Alien,  it's Gilbert Crockett week over at the Vans site. In addition to posting a few older interviews of Gilbert's (all of which are equally sick both in their words and skating) they also posted his newest shared interview with Jake Johnson from this month's Transworld. Jake and Gilbert share the last portion of the Alien part in the new cinematographer project and I'm guessing Transworld is hoping to keep the trend alive with a shared interview as well. The skating in the interview is sick, but more importantly it's what Jake Johnson has to say about skating that is the most engaging thing about this whole article. I'm not going to break it all down for you. Read the interview for yourself and digest the words, because for all of us out there who are watching our beloved skateboarding evolve into something that we never hoped it would become, Jake's words are important and maybe even inspiring. Either way, read it, it's posted below.

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